Distinguished Service AwardDistinguished Service Award: This award is established to recognize individual members for their long-time service to the Society. Nominations for the Distinguished Service Award may be made by Regional, Technical, or Student sections, individual members, the Awards Committee or the Executive Committee. Nomination material should include a letter of recommendation with supporting documentation regarding the nominee's contributions to the Society and spectroscopy, a current CV, and a short bio.To be considered for the 2025 Distinguished Service Award, please submit your nomination using the online nomination form by December 1, 2024. 2024Jay Kitt Jay P. Kitt, is Research Assistant Professor at the University of Utah in the Department of Chemistry. The Society for Applied Spectroscopy is honoring Jay with its Distinguished Service Award for his generous service to the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and to the broader scientific community. As Parliamentarian for the Society, Jay completely re-wrote the SAS Bylaws and thereby modernized the Society’s procedures and operations. Dr. Kitt acquired training in Parliamentary Procedure and worked with procedural and legal experts. He spent untold hours replacing the original SAS Constitution and Bylaws with a single legal Bylaws document, consistent with current best practices for non-profit organizations. For someone at the beginning of his independent scientific career to undertake this level of volunteer effort on behalf of the Society is truly inspiring. Jay continued to serve as the Society’s Parliamentarian, demonstrating to the Society leadership how to function within the new Bylaws. The clarity his guidance has allowed meetings of the Executive Committee and the Governing Board to move forward with fewer misunderstandings and quality discourse. This effort has enabled progress on a number of key Society initiatives, including the start-up of a second Journal. Jay Kitt is remains an accomplished member of the Society’s leadership, serving the Society as its Parliamentarian and supporting its student activities, bringing the voices of younger members into SAS planning and future directions. The Society for Applied Spectroscopy is grateful for Jay’s years of distinguished service. Previous Awardees: 1981 Edwin S. Hodge* *deceased